The Soul Booth Book Club - The Book of Joy

If you’re on a journey of self discovery or spiritual exploration, you've probably had the experience of books serving as stepping stones on your path.  I am constantly in awe (& a state of gratitude) at the way in which books seem to magically appear just at the moment I’m ready for their message or lesson.  It’s like a Divinely inspired library service. ;)

The Soul Booth (as you probably already know) is all about spending time in a space of connection - to ourselves, each other, and something bigger than us.  Well, this marks the launch of the Soul Booth Book Club, with the simple purpose of sharing ideas about books that nudge us closer to enlightened versions of ourselves.

I’m thrilled with this inaugural episode and so, so grateful to my trio of guests who joined me to share their thoughts and heart-felt reactions to The Book of Joy.  Whether you've read it or not...I promise you'll find the conversation juicy !

The book is the outgrowth of a lively, loving, and often hilarious conversation between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, as captured by author Douglas Carlton Abrams.  As you might guess by the title, it's all about joy - and as the subtitle says... "Finding lasting happiness in a changing world."

                                 To learn more about my rockstar guests, check out their links below !
                                                    Anne Bérubé -
                                                    Renée Hartlieb -
                                                    David Maginley -